Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas Concert

Ms. Dixon does a great job with the middle school band. They really sound pretty good. Connor played a solo on his trumpet that night, "The First Noel." And if I can brag for just a minute...he was excellent. Before he stood up we could hear some moans and groans in the audience. They had just listened to a couple of violin trios. Violins in the hands of beginners aren't necessarily very soothing. When Connor started to play it was silent. And when he was done I couldn't help being proud as I listened to the buzz in the audience. Words like Wow! Man! Whoa! Needless to say he got a lot of hand shakes following the concert. He's standing here at the end of the concert with his friend Logan, a fellow trumpet player, and they share the same birthday.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

yay i got on at last, the kiddies are so cute especially Fienna?? but we are biased on the name. Our BIG Fienna is a cutey as well so it must be the name