Monday, November 17, 2008

FHE Recital

This was our 5-minute notice recital for FHE. They had fun so count it as a success....

Friday, November 14, 2008

Reed says it's a little girlie now and doesn't want to post.  I'm just figuring this blog thing out so there will probably be frequent changes.  Don't even know who's going to look at this thing anyway.  Guess it's mostly for me.  I'm sure Mom will check it out. 

heads up

Greydon has decided that lying on his belly has some advantages.  A whole new view of the world, at least of the living room.  And the drool falls straight down.

what kinda pie?

 We spent a fun Saturday afternoon with the Osterwaites at an apple orchard.  We limited ourselves to 20 lbs. of apples.  Could have kept going since the fun is in the picking.  But I just wanted some apple pies.  

Connor just wanted Gala apples, like on Uncle Ray's farm, but they were already gone.  We got some nice winesap for our pies though.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Speed Demon

Thought this pic of Fienna was cute enough to share.

Greydon on the Grand

A few pics of Greydon. He has since graduated to a crib.