Sunday, May 3, 2009


We unpacked almost every box in the first week. I just wanted to get everything out. Fortunately there is storage space galore in this house so it was easy to unload. Now the garage is full of boxes and several hundred pounds of paper. The kids had fun stomping it down into the wardrobe boxes.

view from our deck

The view from our front deck is great! We can even lie in bed at look out over the valley. So we've take a few photos. One of sunrise, one mid-day, one at dusk and one of the beautiful snowfall mid-April. Then there's Mrs. Gray. We inherited her from our neighbors, much to the kids' delight. She's an outside cat so even Reed and I like her. She's calm enough to let Fienna pack her around but we don't see her everyday. We've found some wonderful dead surprises in our yard too. She's quite a hunter. Really a pleasant cat. And the little finch. He spent an afternoon tapping on our front room window. The other day there were 4 different finches lined up on the chains of the porch swing. There are quail living in the hedge and a pheasant that walked through our lawn. Even a skunk, which is much less appealing. Fortunately he doesn't seem to live here. I've only smelled him twice. So far Connor loves our great big yard and has even planted a full vegetable garden. Set up a sprinkler system too. He's anxious to get a lawn "tractor" too. Caitlin wanted to move back to MD the second time we made her gather tumble weeds. So I got her some gardening gloves.

Really, one of these days I'll post some interior photos. I just haven't taken any yet. We have one project nearly done. My dad came out and tore out the back hallway wall. He put in a wider exterior door too. Much nicer to walk in our back door now. But it won't be finished for a while. We need new flooring and some kind of cabinetry. And lots of other things...