Friday, November 14, 2008

Reed says it's a little girlie now and doesn't want to post.  I'm just figuring this blog thing out so there will probably be frequent changes.  Don't even know who's going to look at this thing anyway.  Guess it's mostly for me.  I'm sure Mom will check it out. 


Keyona said...

Cute'd be surprised who reads your blog...don't quit yet.

tiffR said...

Hey Jones Family! How is my fellow cousin/mother of 6? Ten told me about your blog after visiting Megan this weekend. Cute, cute kids! Don't give up on the blog. I love to "blog-stalk". I might actually leave comments, too:) I would love to hear from you.

christy said...

love to see the pics and updates. you guys are so cute. caitlin is her mother's daughter for sure. i miss picking fruit. i don't know of any u pick orchards here.